I'm Alexis and I write this blog. My family and our life are the stars of this blog.
I started this blog as a way to post about our family life as a companion to the other blog I wrote about out thrifted decorating ways. Well, the decorating blog never really got off the ground and I don't mean that I didn't have readers (I didn't) but I mean in a projects came to a crashing halt and therefore so did blogging about it. Meanwhile, I kept on trying to stay on top of this here blog and found myself much more interested in writing about our life. I'd love for this to just be a way for family and friends (near and far) to see the big but mostly small things that happen in mine and Kyle (that'd be the husband) and life together.
After much back and forth as to when to get married and what kind of wedding we wanted, on January 22 of 2009, we went ahead and tied the knot at my parents' house. While I still have wedding dreams, I'm just happy to have actually married the man I love and at the end of the day I'd much rather have a beautiful marriage than a beautiful wedding.
Isaac, that's our kid. If you want to be technical that's Kyle's kid and my stepkid. We are blended family {problem-free (knock wood!)}, thank goodness. Kyle and have have been together since 2005, when Isaac was one, so there aren't any issues there. Also in the plus column is that we and Isaac's mother all get along. Yay! Lack of tension!
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