- Lose weight (told ya, not original) & general better health. - I successfully gave up chocolate & soda for the month of January. I'm back to my vices now, but going without helped me to realize that I could do without and be okay. Yay for not being a slave to my cravings.
- Buy a car - Now this is definitely a familiar goal. Kyle's truck died some time ago leaving him with the car that was to be mine, so we're now back to still needing a car. We're torn between getting a sedan, an SUV & a truck. Kyle wants a truck, I still want an SUV, but a sedan would be best. If we get a sedan it will be Kyle's to use for work and I'll get Sydney back.
- Make & stick to a budget. - I've made budgets before, but we never stick to them. That needs to change.
- Keep up with the family blog more often - We don't lead the most exciting lives but there are plenty of things that I'd like to mention and I've been doing a not-so-good job of posting.
- Speak Up - I have an awful habit of not saying the things that are on my mind or that bother me. I always fear hurting people's feelings. I'm so cautious to avoid confrontation that I end up with resentment.
I'm sure there could be even more but those are the main things we concerning ourselves with.
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