My Personal Facebook Pledge.
First, I'd like to start by saying that I do not mean to offend anyone. If you do any of these things that's fine (and this wasn't written about you) and you should continue doing you.
I promise...
1. Not to make a sonogram or my kid's photo my profile picture. The profile picture is meant to identify me. Not my kids, not my husband. If it's National Children/Parents/Spouse/Whoever/Whatever day or week then this wouldn't apply but otherwise my profile picture will be me.
2. Not to inundate my status updates with all things kid. I know this can be hard since parents love their kids so it can tend to be our favorite topic. I know I have yet to birth my own miracle baby and if that day comes I may forget about this pledge and end up posting about the color & size of my baby's poo. And may I also remember that not every photo of my child would be a good one. So should that day ever come someone please stop me.
3. To not make passive-aggressive or thinly veiled statements when I'm upset with someone. I'm surely guilty of this in the past but that's where I'd like to leave this habit.
4. To not post leading status updates. You know, the ones designed to get people to comment and ask "What's wrong?" just for the poster to reply "Nothing." or "I don't want to talk about it." If you didn't want to talk about it, you wouldn't post it.
5. To not be overly mundane or boring. I know that I do not lead the glamorous life but I'll be damned if I just post "Making spaghetti for dinner." or "Running late for work." I shall put at least an iota of spark into my posts.
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