As is American tradition we celebrated Memorial Day with a cookout. We spent more than I would have liked but at the end of the day it was such a success in terms of having a good time with good people that we care a lot about. It was a bit potluck style so everybody brought something which really helps out on the hosts' end of things. Eric and Krystal were also a great deal of help, cleaning up chairs and prepping food. Katelynn & Shawn came by with Emmy, who is such a joy. We don't get to see them too much, especially Shawn, and we really need to remedy that. Today's festivities were in the front of the house so we could enjoy a more open space. Bringing everything out front was easier than expected especially since everyone was helping. Our last arrival was Miss Erin and we were very happy to have her, we hadn't seen her in at least a couple of months. Our cookout was quite the success if I do say so myself.
I'm Alexis, a somewhat accidental housewife. Shopping is one of my great loves. Especially if I can do it cheaply...really cheaply. Thrift shops, sales and clearance, oh my! I especially love to find things for my home. Email me at alexissawtelle[at]
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