There were rock sculptures all around and of course lots and lots of plants. The sculptures are rocks that are carefully balanced on top of each other. It's really neat outdoor art. We didn't happen to buy anything though we did narrow our choices on plants for the trellis. We still have a tiny soft spot for Wisteria, but Kyle really took a liking to the Jasmine.
There was still some time before Kyle and myself needed to be school-ward bound for a meeting with Isaac's vice principal and guidance counselor, so we headed over to Ethan Allen. Their building has been in the same spot for as long as I can think if and I had never been. I didn't really find their prices to be outrageous, but they were definitely out of our price range. I found a sofa I really like, it happens to very strongly remind me of one in The Dick Van Dyke show (if you want to know it'd be the sofa in Rob's workplace).
Kyle found a definite style he liked that we shall call 'Mad Men', it pretty much encompasses the things in Ethan Allen's 'Modern Glamour' collection. I'm just glad to have stumbled upon something he really took a shine to, it feels good to be able to nail a look down.
After our trip to the Land of Pretty Things We Cannot Afford, we grabbed a bite to at Chez McDonald's. I got the very fancy Happy Meal and Kyle had a frappe.
After Mickey D's we temporarily parted ways with Kate and Emmy, so we could make it to Isaac's school. No worries, everything's fine or at least is going to be. We just had to set some things up for next year. We ended out time out by heading over to Kate's for some more brother, sister, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, cousin family time.
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