His bed is in the corner (like it was in the other room) which is best for space (like it was in the other room, the rooms are laid out a wee bit funny). The map (that we didn't have time to iron) was $5 from Target which price wise beat the maps I saw online. Though this one is only $3.95, shipping cost plus the time it would take to ship put it out of reach. Maybe we'll get it later? The new bedding is Circo brand from Target. Kyle hung up a towel rod for Isaac to hang his extra blanket on, or whatever else he ends up thinking of. The framed art is a canvas painting done by me, Isaac, & Mariska that I cut to fit the frame. The real (but unfilled) lanterns were a Goodwill find, $2.25 for the pair. The license plate is from Kyle's truck, which we recently sold to a junkyard.
The dresser is one I bought from Salvation Army two years ago and still haven't refinished or painted. It moves around the house, it has been our dresser and my nightstand before living in here. The red chair is the cane back chair I paid $5 for at the best yard sale ever back in September of 2010. We 'reupholstered' it by stapling a sheet in place underneath and tucking it in other places. The table lamp was a Goodwill Outlet ($2) find while the floor lamp was $30 at Target. The wooden box was yet another Goodwill Outlet buy. The Paper Jamz guitars are simply hung up between screws Kyle drilled into place.
We filled his old 5 shelf bookcase (a Goodwill find, made by Target, bought years ago) with his books and toys & two 'new' baskets to hold smaller toys. His closet his filled with his Nerf gun collection. The two canvas bins on the left are filled with his costumes and costume accessories. The closet doors had been removed pretty much as soon as we moved in, we put up some green curtains that we had removed from downstairs for his makeshift 'doors'.
On the back of his door, Kyle painted a chalkboard and then put a frame around it that also holds the chalk. The little sliver of wall before the closet has a new clock ($6 from Target - They were a great stop for this room redo), some cork that used to be in the kitchen and 3 mud pans we bought from Lowe's. The mud pans hold Isaac's art supplies, crayons on top, markers in the middle and paint plus extra chalk in the bottom.
And here we come to Isaac's favorite part, the TV. The white bookcase we found on the side of the road! It still had 3 of bins so we only had to buy one more (from, you guessed it, Target). I love that it's even more storage for his toys and that it's also a bit of display. My favorite part of the room in the little gallery wall above the TV.
All of the frames are Goodwill Outlet finds that we spray painted white, well except for the red one. There's more cut down canvas art, a Green Lantern folder, a mini movie poster which is actually from the VHS tape case, family pictures, drawings done by Isaac, his camping badge from Boy Scouts, Badminton racquets and shuttlecocks, & even a Bullwinkle Show ribbon for "Exceptional Adequacy". And of course all on the grey striped accent wall. The frames tend to move a bit so I need to put a little tape behind them but it's all good for now.
There you have it! Hard work that payed off because Isaac loves it.
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